
from mcgpy.key import (encode, decode)

Functions sumarry

Functions Description
encode(patient_name, gender, birth_date) Encode personal name, birthday, and gender
decode(name) Decode personal information from the encrypted string

The key.encode

def mcgpy.key.encode(patient_name, gender, birth_date, *args, **kwargs)

encode patient name, gender, birth date information


  • patient_name : str

    patient's name

  • gender : str

    patient's gender

  • birth_date : str

    patient's bith date


  • ValueError

    • if the input gender argument is no valid string, "man", "woman", "male", "female", 0, or 1
    • if the input birth_data argument does not match to valid format, %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S

Return : tuple

  • fianlencoded name : str

    output of encoded information

  • folder name : str

    output of encoded information with current date


>>> from mcgpy.key import encode
>>> encode("phil", "male", "2222-02-22 22:22:22")
  ("a7576ae32B2566A8F16F", "a7F76ae32B2566A8F165_22221223'")

The key.decode

def mcgpy.key.decode(name, *args, **kwargs)

decode an encoded string


  • name : str

    encoded string


  • NameError

    if the input string is no valid name



The error was reported in some environments if the time module tries to convert the timestamp before the Unix epoch standard to the datetime.datetime format.

Return : dict

dict{"patient name" : # decoded patient's name from an input string
     "gender" : # decoded patient's gender from an input string
     "birth date" : # decoded patient's birth date from an input string as "datetime.datetime" 


>>> from mcgpy.key import decode
>>> decode("a7576ae32B2566A8F16F")
{'patient name': 'phil',
 'gender': 'Male',
 'birth date': datetime.datetime(2222, 2, 22, 22, 22, 22)}